Central Missouri Police AcademyWelcome to CMPA
The Missouri Safety Center and the Central Missouri Police Academy (CMPA) are part of the Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies at the University of Central Missouri.
Interested in becoming a CMPA Cadet? Scroll down to learn more and Apply Now!
Interested in sponsoring a cadet? Contact us at our new email: recruitcmpa@ucmo.edu. Include the cadet(s) name and your contact information and we will make the connection!
About the Academy
Coursework for this certificate program comes from an existing program for a Basic 600 hour Class-A Academy, licensed by the Missouri Department of Public Safety’s Peace Officer Standards and Training Program. During the 825-850 scheduled hours of the course, you will be eligible to receive up to 18 hours of Credit through Prior Learning toward a bachelor’s degree and are eligible to become a licensed peace officer upon passing the POST exam. Our goal is to offer this comprehensive certificate in addition to other included program certificates, to enhance your qualifications.
It is our belief that by adding this certificate program from the University of Central Missouri, non-degree seeking students will be encouraged to pursue a degree, and all graduates will enhance their resumes and ability to compete in a highly selective field.
The Central Missouri Police Academy is always happy to have agencies sponsor our cadets and we welcome recruiters and hiring agencies. Our average hiring rate is more than 95% by the time the academy is finished and we have had several classes with 100% employment at the time of graduation! We do ask that you follow some guidelines we have set to accommodate all of the agencies in Missouri and beyond.
Recruitment Day
Our recruitment day is typically held a month or so after the academy class begins, when we have enough cadets that are not already sponsored. We ask each cadet for the top three departments they would like to see attend. We invite those departments as a priority to meet the needs of our cadets. Once we have determined which of these agencies will be attending, we will then put out an email to the departments we currently have on our mailing lists to complete a “first come – first served” reservation link for the remainder of the agencies to fill the spots. Our maximum capacity for agencies is 30 departments. This number decreases based on the number of cadets who are already sponsored at the time of the recruitment day. If we have fewer than nine cadets remaining who are not sponsored by the time we normally host recruitment day, we will not hold it and agencies who were on the list will be notified.
Recruiting Visits to the Academy
Department visits to the academy will be held either on Tuesday or Thursday, beginning after the date scheduled for Recruitment Day. We will only allow one visiting department per week. Agencies will be allowed to visit from 12:30 pm – 12:50 pm. This impacts the cadets lunch time and you must be finished with your visits by 12:50 pm in order for them not to miss class. You will be able to meet with interested cadets in the lunchroom. These recruiting visits are completely optional for our cadets and we cannot guarantee how many will attend the visit. If a cadet is already sponsored by another agency, they will not be in attendance. In order to reserve a spot, you must contact our office staff at 660-543-4090 or at cmpa@ucmo.edu. We will attempt to accommodate everyone throughout the course of the Academy class but this may not always be possible.
Sponsor and Hiring Agency Visits to the Academy
We are grateful that you are sponsoring a cadet or considering hiring one of our cadets! If you need to visit your sponsored cadet, a potential recruit, or meet with CMPA staff, we ask that you make an appointment in advance. Due to teaching schedules, cadet schedules, and other work-related activities, we have found this to work better for everyone involved. We can better ensure our staff are available and the cadet does not miss any required time in class sessions. This can impact their ability to meet all requirements for POST. Appointments will be no longer than 30 minutes and you can contact our office staff at 660-543-4090 to arrange the visit.
We have also created a new schedule for observation of practical application activities at the academy for our sponsoring and hiring agencies. Some of our practical application activities including OC day, scenarios, driving classes, and more will be available for you to come and observe your cadets “in action”. This schedule is available upon request from our office staff.
Recruitment Notifications
We have several opportunities to post your recruitment notifications but each one works a little differently:
– Email: If you email your recruitment poster or brochure to cmpa@ucmo.edu, we will post it on our “Hiring” bulletin board in the academy hallway. Cadets pass this board every day and see who is hiring!
– Drop Offs: If you are passing through, please feel free to drop off hard copies of your recruitment documents. (See above for making appointments to meet the cadets, but you can certainly drop materials off and we will get them distributed)
– Social Media: We do have a Facebook page, as many of you are aware, but we don’t always see the recruitment advertisements for every single department. If you want us to post your information on our Facebook page and to share with our cadet pages, please tag us in your Facebook post. It’s easy: just tag Central Missouri Police Academy (University of Central Missouri) and we will share your post on our Facebook page and share it with our current and former cadet alumni pages. We get notified when we are tagged and we can share it. If for some reason it won’t allow you to tag us, send us a Facebook Message with the post and we will get it out there. Please note: we try to follow as many agencies as we can to get the recruitment ads disseminated but sometimes we do not see them.
We hope this answers some of your questions regarding our recruitment activities. Thank you for supporting the CMPA!
The Central Missouri Police Academy Certificate is designed for individuals interested in becoming law enforcement professionals, including, but not limited to:
- Emergency managers, fire, EMS, and dispatchers
- Students at UCM with an interest in law enforcement
- Criminal Justice and Criminology majors who also must complete a Basic Academy in order to be licensed by the state.
- Non-degree seeking students who may seek a degree in the future.
In general, Academy attendance is open to anyone who is at least 20 years old, is a U.S. citizen, has graduated High School (or has a GED) and does not have a criminal record.
1. Provide well trained, competent recruits to become employed with the Law Enforcement organizations in Missouri.
2. Support UCM’s effort to help meet Missouri’s workforce skill demands.
Our graduates go through a rigorous academic and physical training regimen at this academy. In addition to the 600 hour mandated curriculum, and since we are part of the Missouri Safety Center, we provide additional SFST training making students eligible for Type III SFST certification upon commission as a Peace Officer. We have the newest MILO Training System that provides modern and effective use of force training. If you are recruiting, you will find that our cadets bring significant added value to your department.
Longtime Local Law Enforcement Professional Shares Knowledge as CMPA’s New Director
WARRENSBURG, MO (June 18, 2019) – The University of Central Missouri and the Missouri Safety Center today announced the appointment of Tim Lowry as the new director of the Central Missouri Police Academy (CMPA) on the UCM campus.
Lowry is a 30-year veteran of law enforcement. He spent his career with the Warrensburg Police Department and recently retired as a lieutenant. His service included responsibilities as a DARE officer, lieutenant in charge of investigations, interim police chief, assistant SWAT team leader, and lieutenant in charge of patrol.
Throughout his career, Lowry has continued to enhance his knowledge of law enforcement through professional development and education. He graduated from the Federal Bureau of Investigators National Academy (FBINA) (Class of 270) in fall 2017, and continues his education activities through opportunities provided by the FBINA. During the past two years, he has served as a part-time instructor at Central Missouri Police Academy, where he has been a Missouri Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Certified Generalist.
Lowry’s responsibilities as CMPA director will include academy oversight, continued development of new and current curriculum dealng with challenges faced by law enforcement officers today, and building relationships the academy’s partners for continued growth. He also will be responsible for working with agencies throughout the state of Missouri and the nation to enhance and improve recruitment into the university and the CMPA.
Lowry commented on his goals as director, noting, “I look forward to sharing the knowledge that I have gained through these tough times. Law enforcement is continually changing and growing and one goal is to make sure we are equipping cadets with the knowledge and confidence to be successful in t heir future endeavors.”
In addition to working with cadets to be successful law enforcement officers, Lowry said a goal for the CMPA is “striving to produce the next leaders for law enforcement organizations.”
Joanne Kurt-Hilditch, Ph.D., senior director of the Missouri Safety Center, said Lowry’s law enforcement background, knowledge of contemporary issues in policing, and desire to empower cadets with the tools they need to be successful is essential for CMPA’s future.
Lowry graduated from UCM with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration. He is involved in numerous associations to advance his profession including the Missouri State Investigators Association, Missouri Narcotics Officers Association, International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Missouri Police Chiefs Association.
In addition to his work in law enforcement, Lowry enjoys farming with his wife, Heidi, and spending time with his two daughters and his granddaughters.
The CMPA Assistant Director
Cindy Schroer began working as the Assistant Director of the Central Missouri Police Academy in January of 2021. She retired after 30 years as a law enforcement professional in December 2020 to accept this new challenge of helping train a new generation of police officers.
Cindy graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Science in Business Education in 1984. She began her law enforcement career as a patrol officer in Higginsville, Missouri rising through the ranks as a Sergeant, Assistant Chief and finally Chief of Police. She spent 15 years serving her hometown community.
In 2004, Cindy accepted a job as a victim advocate and special investigator for the Lafayette County Prosecutor’s officer. She finished her career as a detective with the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office from 2011 to 2020. Cindy specialized in crimes against persons, working with the prosecuting attorney to put rapists and child molesters in jail. She also spent the last several years of her career training fellow officers to become proficient in these specialized investigations.
Cindy was awarded the Gene Darnell Excellence in Law Enforcement Award in 2018 for “Best Demonstration of Professional Qualities of Character and Dedication to Service.”
Now after having been at the Academy for three months, Cindy said “I feel like I have a new purpose in life. It is fun to challenge yourself in new ways and I truly hope I can make a difference in the lives of these young cadets.”
Our instructors provide hundreds of years of collective experience. They are current and former chiefs, sheriffs, sergeants, deputies, police detectives and officers, federal agents and prosecuting attorneys, professors, civilian law enforcement and forensics experts, individually selected to provide the best training available to our cadets.
Cost for the Central Missouri Police Academy is currently $6,210.00 (through summer 2024). * Please note: Cost for the Central Missouri Police Academy will increase as of July 1, 2024 to $6,560.00 per cadet. More details will be available soon with an updated Handbook.
This includes all course books and materials, two sets of academy uniforms, UCM picture and network ID (allows access to University facilities and provides a “.edu” email account), and the potential for 18 hours of Credit for Prior Learning towards a UCM Degree. Note: Cadets must also provide their own ammunition for the firearms training which can run between $500-$700.
There is also a fee of approximately $50 for having your fingerprints taken and processed. https://www.machs.mo.gov/MACHSFP/home.html
Cadets should also prepare for other fees they may encounter including parking permits, extra uniform equipment, boots, tablet/laptop, etc.
- Students receive academy training and POST certification saving time, and possibly money, after graduation.
- Graduates earn a Class A certification, which allows them to work anywhere in Missouri (although, some departments require completion of their in-house academies regardless of prior training or experience).
- Students are eligible to be hired immediately upon graduation from the Academy.
- Missouri and Kansas police agencies regularly recruit our students while in attendance and some offer initial testing at the Academy. Many students have jobs waiting when they graduate or are hired prior to graduation.
- Academy graduates have been averaging more than a 98% hiring rate within one year of graduation.
- Students who attend the Academy may be eligible to earn (18) hours of Credit for Prior Learning undergraduate credit hours.
- Academy students may also be UCM students as well which entitles them to campus benefits and use of amenities, such as student housing, recreation and dining facilities, and more.
- Academy students are eligible to utilize the services at the UCM Career Services office, which includes resume and interview preparation and access to their job posting database: Handshake
Fast Track Workforce Incentive
The CMPA is part of the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant program through the Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development. The program is designed to provide adults with the education and skills needed to enter the workforce in fields that are high in demand. The CMPA qualifies as a designated program of study. Please visit the Fast Track Website for more details and eligibility requirements.
If you are getting ready to separate, or have recently separated from the U.S. military, you will feel very welcome at the CMPA and quickly get what you need to start your post-service career. Several of our instructors are former military members and, having made the transition themselves, are able to help you. We also have a Military and Veterans Services department devoted to helping veterans succeed.
The CMPA follows the requirements for the 600 Hour Basic Training Academy as designated by the Missouri P.O.S.T. Commission. Please click on the link to see the basic training topics, hours, and supplemental classes offered.
The Dama Cooper Scholarship: Dama Cooper graduated from Atchison High School in Atchison, Kansas. After graduation he attended Central Missouri State University (now University of Central Missouri) where he earned a degree in Criminal Justice. He enlisted in the United States Army in 1960 and was honorably discharged in 1965. He married Glenda Sue Mitchell in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1982.
He started his career in law enforcement as a police officer in Warrensburg, Missouri and went on to work for the Kansas City Police Department until his retirement.
Through a generous estate endowment, the Dama Cooper Police Academy Scholarship was created and provided to the Central Missouri Police Academy from the Dama and Glenda Sue Cooper Trust. This scholarship provides for a limited number of scholarships ranging from $250 to $2500 for each Academy class session. Scholarships are awarded to eligible Academy cadets/students with a financial need and an interest in pursuing a law enforcement career in the local Missouri area.
The Sarantakos Scholarship: This scholarship provides $500 for each of the full-time academy classes during a calendar year. The scholarship is given through a generous donation from Mrs. Cathy Sarantakos in honor of her late husband, John. Mrs. Sarantakos was a long-time instructor in the Sociology Department at UCM and her husband was the former director of the UCM Print Shop. The scholarship assists those cadets who may have a financial need prior to entering their law enforcement careers.
The Christopher “Ryan” Morton Scholarship: Ryan Morton was a graduate of the Central Missouri Police Academy prior to joining the Clinton, Missouri Police Department. On March 6, 2018 he was shot and killed in the line of duty. Ryan’s family has graciously created a scholarship for the cadets at the CMPA reflective of his contributions to leadership, integrity, commitment, and selflessness in the law enforcement field. The Ryan Morton Scholarship provides funding for tuition and program fees for one cadet each class for the duration of the scholarship.
The Missouri Blue Scholarship: When available, the Missouri Blue Scholarship is a law enforcement basic training academy scholarship that makes up to $5,000 available for each selected non-sponsored* law enforcement academy recruit to help cover the cost of attending a Missouri basic training academy. Prior to submitting an application, contact the basic law enforcement academy to confirm the academy start date, the cost of the basic academy, and any financial aid you will receive that does not have to be repaid, such as a Federal Pell Grant. More information is available at the POST – Training Academy Scholarship Website.
For more information, contact the Academy at: cmpa@ucmo.edu
• Complete training faster – get hired sooner!
We support the University of Central Missouri’s effort to provide experiential training in a real world environment, allowing students to develop skills and become employed long before they complete their degrees. Our Full-Time course runs five days per week, eight or more hours per day; this allows you to complete your training much sooner than under a traditional police academy schedule and, for those wishing to go straight into a law enforcement career, allows you to be available for employment sooner.
• Be more valuable to future employers!
In addition to the 600 hour mandated curriculum we provide additional Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) training making you eligible for Type III SFST certification upon commission as a Peace Officer (most academies only provide Type I training). This saves your future department from having to pay for this training itself.
We also have the newest MILO Range Police Simulator system that provides modern and effective use of force training; lowering the risk and cost of potential liability to your employer due to improper use of force.
• Reduce the time needed to complete your degree!
Since you may be eligible to receive 18 hours of Credit for Prior Learning toward an undegraduate degree at UCM, we help reduce the time needed for you to complete your degree.
• Reduce your overall cost!
We strive to keep our tuition low; you’ll find us to be one of the lowest cost academies in Missouri. For those students that use student loans this helps keep your debt low upon graduation. Our course also is eligible for benefits under the G.I Bill.
If you are ready to take the next step toward a career in Law Enforcement, apply now!
Full-Time Academy: January through June (Spring Class) and July through December (Fall Class) meets Monday through Friday – 07:30 hours to 17:00 hours or 18:00 hours if Physical Training (PT) is scheduled. Location: Central Missouri Police Academy in Warrensburg, 200 Ming Street.
Ready to start your career in law enforcement? Click here to Apply Now!